Your CSL Continuing Education solution.
Our MA Construction Supervisor classes are:
- Fast (Start On-line Classes Immediatly Upon Enrollment)
- Simple (Sit Back, Watch & Enjoy Our Fully Narrated & Animated Classes)
- Best Value (Only $99 For Required 6 In-Class & For 6 On-Line Classes)
- Most Convenient (24 Locations To Choose From Throughout MA)
- Fully Accredited (BBRS Approval Numbers: CD-0079, CD-0124)

More In-Class Dates & More In-Class Locations to Choose From.
Now offering more In-Class dates per month and more convenient In-Class locations
throughout the Commonwealth to accomodate your personal requirements for your CSL license renewal.
In-Class or On-Line, our prices, quality & convenience can't be beat!
Useful Massachusetts Construction Supervisor License (CSL) Links:
Massachusetts Construction Supervisor Requirements
A summary of the Massachusetts CSL Continuing Education and License Renewal requirements
are listed below:Hours Required: |
1. Construction Supervisors License (Unrestricted) | 12 Hours required 2. Construction Supervisors License (Restricted: 1- and 2- Family Dwelling) | 10 Hours required 3. Construction Supervisors Specialty License | 6 Hours required (Masonry, Roof Covering, Window & Siding, Fuel-Burning Appliance, Demolition, Insulation) |
Renewal Deadline: | All CSL license holders are required to provide proof of completed continuing education each two-year renewal cycle. A renewal of an original license shall be for periods of two-years and a renewal license shall expire two years from the date of issuance, which is noted on the license. A renewal license will not be issued unless applied for within one year of the expiration date. |
On-line Hours: | Qualified licensees may acquire up to a maximum of six (6) hours of continuing education via on-line training. Remaining hours shall be acquired through in-person, classroom training. |
Carryover Allowed: | Excess hours of continuing education may not be carried over to the following renewal period. |
Course Approval: | Courses shall be approved by the BBRS in advance and will be approved on the basis of the applicant’s compliance with these continuing education provisions in the regulated industries. The BBRS will make the final determination as to the approval and assignment of credit hours for courses. Courses must be at least one (1) hour in length. |
Course Topics: | The following hours of continuing education topics are required for 12- and 10-hour trainings for Unrestricted and Restricted Construction Supervisors: 1. Code Review (4) hours 2. Workplace Safety (1) hour 3. Business Practices / Workers' Compensation (1) hour 4. Energy (except Demolition Specialty License) (1) hour 5. Lead Safe Practices (only first renewal cycle) (1) hour The remainder of credit hours are to be completed by approved electives. Each continuing education course must be attended or completed in its entirety in order to receive credit for the number of approved hours. |
Course Examinations: | A licensee shall be required to answer a minimum of 5 questions relating to the material covered in each 30-minute period of an on-line course. At the conclusion of a complete on-line training session, a licensee shall be required to successfully complete a final examination comprised of 20 questions, answering at least 16 correctly (80%). |
Contractor Reporting: | Required continuing education shall be reported in a manner prescribed by the BBRS. Licensees are responsible for maintain copies of course completion certificates. Proof of completion is required by physical or digital records. The BBRS reserves the right to audit a licensee’s continuing education records. |
State Licensing Authority Website: | |
Contact Information: |
Office of Public Safety and Inspections 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710 Boston, MA 02118 |
Course Content: |
Continuing education consists of approved courses that impart appropriate and related knowledge in the regulated industries. Courses may include relevant materials that are included in licensing exams subject to the limitations imposed in 780 CMR 110.R5.4.6, item 1. The burden of demonstrating that courses impart appropriate and related knowledge is upon the person seeking approval or credit. Unless determined by the coordinator textbooks are not required to be used for continuing education courses. The coordinator must provide students with a syllabus containing, at a minimum, the course title, the times and dates of the course offering, the names and addresses or telephone numbers and email address of the course coordinator and instructor, and a detailed outline of the subject materials to be covered. Any written or printed material given to students must be of readable quality and contain accurate and current information. The following courses will not be approved for credit: 1. courses designed solely to prepare students for a license examination in a discipline other than CSL; 2. courses in mechanical office skills, including typing, speed reading, or other machines or equipment. Computer or business skills courses are allowed, if appropriate and related to the regulated industry of the licensee; 3. courses in motivation, psychology, or any other course not related to the building industry. 4. courses that are primarily intended to impart knowledge of specific products of specific companies, if the use of the product or products relates to the sales promotion or marketing of one or more of the products discussed. |
Board Provisions: |
Courses must be approved by the BBRS in advance and will be approve on the basis of the applicant's compliance with the provisions of this section relating to continuing education in the regulated industries. The BBRS shall make the final determination as to the approval and assignment of credit hours for courses. Courses must be at least one hour in length. Approval will not be granted for time spent on meals or other unrelated activities. Breaks may not be accumulated in order to dismiss the class early. Classes shall not be offered to any one student for longer than six hours in one day, excluding meal breaks. Application for course approval must be submitted 120 days before the course offering. Approval is granted for a subsequent offering of identical continuing education courses without requiring a new application if the course is offered within the approved 24 month cycle. The BBRS shall deny future offerings of courses if they are found not to be in compliance with the laws relating to course approval. Course shall be updated subject to periodic review by the BBRS to ensure currency with technological changes in 780 CMR. |
Board of Building Regulations and Standards
Construction Supervisor License
Continuing Education Requirements
Please refer to the regulations for detailed requirements and the DPS website for approved course coordinators and COURSES of instruction. (after clicking on the above link then click on 'CSL Continuing Education Courses')
How do I know how many CEU's I need?
I have an Unrestricted License (CS-xxxxxx) - 12 CEU's
I have a Restricted License (CSFA-xxxxxx) - 10 CEU's
I have a Specialty License (CSSL-xxxxxx) - 6 CEU's regardless of how many specialties
(Masonry; Roofing; Window/Siding; Demolition; Solid Fuel; Insulation)
When do I have to complete the CEU's by?
You will receive your renewal form approximately 60 days before your expiration date. It is recommended you complete the required CEU's by this time.
You will need to attach a copy of any certificates received showing you completed the required CEU's to your renewal form.
Where can I find a list of courses that have been approved by the BBRS?
On the DPS website. Or click on COURSES then click on 'CSL Continuing Education Courses'.
Are ON-LINE courses available?
Yes. On-line courses as well as classroom are available.
Check the DPS website by clicking on COURSES then click on 'CSL Continuing Education Courses'.
I already attended a course; How do I know if it has been approved?
You should have received a certificate of completion with course number listed on certificate.(All courses begin with a CS-xxxx)
Check the DPS website by clicking on COURSES then click on 'CSL Continuing Education Courses'.
I have the certificate of completion; Now What?
Keep the certificate and return a copy with your CSL renewal form.
I already sent my certificate in; do I have to submit another certificate with my renewal form?
YES, a copy of your certificate will need to be sent in with your renewal form.
I cannot find my certificate; what do I do now?
Contact the Coordinator or instructor and request another certificate.
My license does not expire until March 3, 2015 I already completed the required 12 CEU's. Do I have to take the course again?
No, this will be accepted when you renew in 2015 because this is the first time you are required to provide the required CEU's.
How often do I have to complete the required CEU's?
Every two years when you renew your license.
When should I take the required courses?
Within your two year renewal period. Complete by the time you receive your CSL renewal notice (60 days before your expiration date).
Any additional requirements besides the required CEU's?
Each license category requires at least 1 hour each of the following subjects to be covered during training:
Code Review
Workplace Safety
Business Practices / Workplace Safety
Energy except Demolition Specialty License)
Lead Safe Practices (only first renewal cycle)
The maximum number of hours required for any given licensee is 12 hours, regardless of how many categories appear on the license card. A person who is licensed in a specialty category, whether one, two or all six, needs only to achieve the requisite 6 hours of continuing education credit.
Construction Supervisor License
Continuing Education Requirements
Don’t be caught by surprise!
The time when licensed construction supervisors will need to demonstrate compliance with continuing education requirements is fast approaching. Any person with a license expiration date of July 1, 2013 or after will need to comply with continuing education requirements. A licensed construction supervisor must acquire a certain number of continuing education hours each 2 year renewal period based upon license category.
- Unrestricted Construction Supervisors (identified as Construction Supervisor License on the license Card) must attain at least 12 hours of continuing education credit;
- Restricted Construction Supervisors (identified as 1 and 2 Family License on the license card) must acquire at least 10 hours; and
- Specialty Construction Supervisors must acquire at least 6 hours of credit.
Specialty categories include the following license types:
- Masonry;
- Roofing;
- Windows / Siding;
- Demolition;
- Solid Fuel Burning; and
- Insulation.
The maximum number of hours required for any given licensee is 12 hours, regardless of how many categories appear on the license card. A person who is licensed in a specialty category, whether one, two or all six, needs only to achieve the requisite 6 hours of continuing education credit. However, please remember that each license category requires certain content to be covered during trainings, such as workplace safety and lead safe practices.
Please refer to the regulations for detailed requirements and the DPS website for approved course coordinators and courses of instruction.>